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31 SO Aug

XCO Izgubljena ovca 2014 UCI C3

Grožnjan, 31.08.2014

HBS Elite-U23-Juniori


Brdsko Biciklistički Klub Grožnjan telefon : 098/927-3443 email :



31, Aug. ( SO ) , 2014 - 08:00 h

31, Aug. ( SO ) , 2014 - 08:00 h



Grožnjan - Grožnjan ,CROATIA

Grožnjan - Grožnjan ,CROATIA

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Erfahren Sie mehr: XCO Izgubljena ovca 2014 UCI C3

Dear fellow cyclists we invite you to our race


5.XCO „Lost Sheep“

31 August 2014


The race will be scored as a UCI Class C-3 race and the Croatian Cup


ORGANIZER:      Mountain bike club «GROŽNJAN»


                                 098/927-3443 Manuel Vigini     

                                 091/760-2881 Igor Šuflaj


Type of race: cross country (XCO) – Croatian cup (Class B) - UCI Class C3


Length of the trail: long trail – 5 km, short trail – 2 km, mini trail – 250 m


Description of the trail:

The trail is circular in shape, 5000 metres long and located in the area surrounding the Parenzana railway. After start, the trail leads into the woods occasionally passing through meadows. After the first such trail section,  we will be passing under the little Parenzana bridge beneath the village of Peroj and then climb the dirt and rock surface leading towards the upper part of the trail that follows forest paths. Near the end there is a technical downhill and after crossing a single track we will be climbing back towards Parenzana on a partially single track. The last third of the trail is straighter leading us through a forest on a dirt surface which will, in its final section, take us yet again on a single track towards the finish line where a winding range is located (for the joy of the viewers).

The trail will be marked with arrows and ribbons on both sides.

The trail can be viewed from Friday 29 August 2014 from 12:00.


Entry fees/Entries:

Entry fees are:

  • Beginners U7, U9, U11 – no entry fee
  • Beginners U13, U14, U15, Cadets – 30.00 HRK (5,00 eur)
  • Seniors, Sport and Recreational categories – 70.00 HRK (10,00 eur)
  • Elite, U23 and Juniors – 100.00 HRK (15,00 eur)

Pre-entries are possible up to 28 August 2014 (until 24:00h) and withdrawals up to 29 August 2014 until 12:00 sati.

The entry fee for late entries is 50% higher. If an entry withdrawal is not submitted and if you do not attend the race, the entry fee will be charged to your club.

Please write your name, last name, category, UCI code, licence number and the club you belong to on your pre-entry form.

The entry fee can be paid to the gyro bank account, number HR9624020061100577857, or personally on the day of the race.

Send the entry and proof of payment to

Unlicensed cyclists:

It is possible to enter the race as an unlicensed competitor in the SPORT, SENIOR or RECREATIONAL categories provided you obtain a one-day license. Unlicensed competitors must be entered no later than 29 August 2014 until 12:00 h and the amount of 50.00 HRK must be paid to the gyro account of the club, number HR9624020061100577857, for the cost of issuing a one-day license. You need to send send it all to the e-mail of the club until the deadline (proof of payment and personal data: Name, last name, date of birth, national identification number (OIB), address)


Entries and number assignment:

At the designated booth next to the location of the Start/Finish.

Number assignment will take place on Saturday 30 August 2014 from 18:00 to 20:00 h and on Sunday 31 August 2014 from 08:00 to 10:30 h.

Transponder chips will be distributed on the same place at the Adriatic Timing measuring service.



A meadow bellow the road Buje-Grožnjan (before crossroads for Marušići). The arrival direction will be marked with arrows and MTB signs. The first race will begin at 11:00 h and the others depend on categories. The finish line is always at the same location.






in km

Beginners U7, U9


6 mini laps


Beginners U11


10 mini laps


Beginners U13, U14, U15


4 short laps




4 long laps


Master A, B, C


4 long laps


Master D


3 long laps




2 long laps




4 long laps


Elite & U23M


6 long laps


Elite & U23F


5 long laps




5 long laps




*Participants will be called to take their place at the starting line 15 minutes before the race start for each category.

*Lap number for each category is subject to change depending on the decision of the chief judge.


Winner announcement and lunch:

After the race, lunch will be organized alongside the trail from 14:00 h, and winner announcement will be at 17:00 h.

Prizes will be cups/medals for first three places in each category and cash prizes for Elite & U23M, Elite & U23F, Juniors and Seniors categories (all categories together)




Elite & U23M

Elite & U23F


Seniors (all)


180.00 EUR

160.00 EUR

  60.00 EUR

45.00 EUR


140.00 EUR

120.00 EUR

45.00 EUR

35.00 EUR


100.00 EUR

80.00 EUR

35.00 EUR

30.00 EUR


80.00 EUR

60.00 EUR

30.00 EUR

20.00 EUR


65.00 EUR

40.00 EUR

20.00 EUR

15.00 EUR


55.00 EUR

30.00 EUR




50.00 EUR

20.00 EUR




40.00 EUR

20.00 EUR




35.00 EUR

20.00 EUR




30.00 EUR

20.00 EUR




20.00 EUR





20.00 EUR





20.00 EUR





20.00 EUR





20.00 EUR








Feed zones:

The organizer will provide feed zones with glasses of water and fruit, which will be marked with a sign.

Each club will receive two passes to enter the feed zone that they will, however, have to request during the entry submission.


General Rules:

MTB technical rules of HBS (Croatian Cycling Union), MTB rules of UCI and General Rules of UCI are applied. By starting the race the cyclists accept these rules and ride at their own risk, on a proper mountain bike and with a mandatory protective bicycle helmet. The organizer will not be held accountable for any possible damage made by the cyclists to their own or other people’s equipment and towards third parties.



The cyclists can submit complaints for events during the race to the chief judge in written form no later than 15 minutes after the disputed race has finished with a deposit of 240.00 HRK.

The cyclists submit complaints for race results to the chief judge in written form no later than 15 minutes after the announcement of results with a deposit of 240.00 HRK.


Trails map:



The altitude profile of the long trail

The altitude profile of the short trail




Accommodation possibilities:

  • List of renters on the Tourist Office Grožnjan website (
  • Bike Hotel Garden, Istra, Umag
  • Possibility of camping along the trail


Parking and space reservation:

Parking for visitors will be provided on a plot near the trail, with the arrival from the main road.

We offer the possibility of parking space reservations for your van or camper in the specifically designated areas near the trail. You only need to inform us of the size of space you want.

Arrival direction:

The race will be held on the location of Buje-Grožnjan road. Turn from the asphalt road after you pass the village of Bankovci. The arrival to the parking lot of the race location will be visibly marked with arrows and MTB boards on both sides.























For any further questions please contact us using our contact information.


We look forward to seeing you and wish you spend

an enjoyable day in good company!