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SC Cottur ASD

Gorsko kolesarstvo XCO Gorsko kolesarstvo XCO

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Name and Last Name Category
1 Paolo Ercolessi Master A 30-39 god. (U40 M)
2 stefano cuk
3 Roberto Vidoni
4 Donatella Cosliani
6 Diego Sulini Seniori 19-29 god. (U30 M)
7 Barbara Duse
8 filippo busato
9 Alessandro BIZZOTTO Master B 40-49 god. (U50 M)
10 MATTEO CORTI Moški (od 18 do 39 let)
11 Alberto Mastrangelo
12 Remo Margiotta
13 Loris Ulivi
14 Massimo Gregori
15 Riccardo FRISENNA
16 Alessandro Del Puppo
17 Lorenzo Bresich Master B 40-49 god. (U50 M)
18 Michela Facchin
19 Maurizio Deponte
20 Chiara Lazzarini
21 Paolo Sassetti
22 Manuel Calzi
23 Michele Leo Master C-D 50+ god. (50+ M)
24 Nicola Dodich Seniori 19-29 god. (U30 M)

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