Korona virus ustavil dirko po Združenih arabskih emiratih
Zadnji dve etapi dirke po Združenih arabskih emiratih sta bili zaradi okužbe s korona virusom odpovedani.
Na dirki je v peti, kot kaže zadnji etapi slavil Tadej Pogačar, ki je tudi nosilec majice najboljšega mladega kolesarja, skupno pa je na drugem mestu. Vodilni je Simon Yates. Poleg Pogačarja je na dirki tudi Luka Mezgec.
Obvestilo o odpovedi so pred uradno objavo na Twitterju objavile nekatere ekipe. Kolesarji in osebje nimajo izhoda iz hotela, okuženi pa naj bi bili dve osebi.
Varnost kolesarjev in osebja je na prvem mestu, upamo, da bodo ukrepi preprečili nadaljno širitev okužbe.
ISN breaking News from Abu Dhabi, continues: We are all awaiting tests and under the supervision of the team’s doctor. The team is calm. The tests will done in the next hour.#UAETour
— Israel Start-Up Nation / Israel Cycling Academy (@YallaIsraelSUN) February 27, 2020
Following the cancellation of the #UAETour we are monitoring the situation closely. We will follow the guidance of the relevant authorities and support them in managing this situation. The health and safety of all staff and riders is paramount.
— Team INEOS (@TeamINEOS) February 27, 2020
???????? #UAEtour
— Team Jumbo-Visma cycling (@JumboVismaRoad) February 27, 2020
We have taken note of the cancellation of the UAE Tour due to the occurence of the coronavirus. We wish all the people involved the very best, awaiting further developments.
Pubblicato: 27.02.2020