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In yesterday's International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) Europe meeting in Portugal they presented the title of the best mountain bike community in Europe. The title went to the country with most volunteers participating in April 1st and 2nd Take Care of Your Trails Weekend where the population of a country played a role too. The country with most "volunteers per capita" went to Slovenia with some 500 volunteers who took part in 35 work crews all over the country.

The detailed analysis of the crew will follow but the organizers estimate they performed at least 3000 work hours and maintained over 100km of trails.

Representative of consortium Peter Dakskobler received the title in Agueda, Portugal.

"We surprised the traditionally strong countries in a positive manner," said Peter. "They are motivated by our case and will also try to follow the example. The participation of Slovenian president also made an impression."

Scotland and Czech Republic followed with strong teams in their trail centers but with some 200 volunteers per (larger) country they were not a match to Slovenia.

An important piece of wood

In top photo Dakskobler with IMBA Europe representatives. Photos by Edoardo Melchiori Photography/IMBA Europe

: 10.04.2017



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