Brumotti - Road Bike Freestyle 2

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Vittorio Brumotti does it again! Road Bike Freestyle 2 shows the Italian trials superstar taking it up a notch on a road bike.
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Martyn Ashon's Road Bike Party inspired Brumotti to change his trials riding to using a road bike and take it to a whole new level, showing off his incredible riding skills. From the Tinkoff Saxo team bus, to Italian quarries via the Californian sunshine, Road Bike Freestyle 2 showcases Vittorio's incredible riding around the world
Vittorio rides a Montante bike with FSA components, Vision wheels and Crank Brothers pedals. We're grateful to Expo Milan 2015 and Livigno for help with locations and the rest of Brumotti's sponsors, EICMA, Tinkoff Saxo, Multipower, Lotto, Hot Wheels, Sportful, SBS, Carrera, Limar, Incomedia and City Time for their support.
Music, licensed by Cuesongs: Wild River - Tijuana Bibles:
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